Monday, October 6, 2008

I wish today was simply an illusion...

Hello world!
Or maybe just Gaines! :)

OH, THE FRUSTRATION. I should be doing Key IDs right I hate doing those notecards...takes forever, but instead I figure that it is long overdue to write a new post. Recently life has been all over the place. The school newspaper came out last week and I'm still behind on sending out the issue to other schools and whatnot. But that's okay. It will get done. Eventually...

On another note, I saw Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist last night, which was AMAZING. I love Kat Dennings(The 40 Year Old Virgin, Charlie Bartlett, The House Bunny). She is wonderful. I wish I was Kat Dennings. No, I take that back. If I could be anyone in the world, it would be Zooey Deschanel (In a non-creepy way, of course). The music was amazing, the casting was good, I loved the humor, and my only complaints are as follows: Michael Cerra is too nerdy for Nick, and also I wanted to hear Where's Fluffy actually play a set. It's rather frustrating when the characters spend the entire movie chasing Where's Fluffy and then you don't get to hear them. The book explains how fantastic they are, but I don't think it comes across as well in the movie, especially as the lyrics are not written across the screen...Overall, I think the book to movie transition was rather good. Although some aspects were changed or left at the wayside, everything was done in the spirit of the novel. Suprising, isn't it? I don't know...What do you think? Maybe because it's not Harry Potter, I'm not up-in-arms about the minor changes, but maybe they were major and not minor after all? Let me know.

I also discovered the Rachel Zoe Project last week while eating raspberries after school. Ever since her guest appearance on Project Runway, I've thought of her as the human scarecrow, but I think she's actually not that bad. Yes, she has the whiney little girl voice, and yes, she does run around wasting most of her money on clothes, but I think all people have these traits whether we like them or not. Plus the show mentions how she's best friends with Marc Jacobs. marc Jacobs equals epic win.

Well, what else can I say? Life is busy right now and more than anything, I'd like to say that I was on a plane somewhere exotic and fabulous but I'm not. I'm at home, eating Panda Express, watching reruns on Bravo, and desperately wishing that the giant stack of Key IDs on my desk was growing smaller by the minute. And so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.

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