Saturday, October 11, 2008

Today my name is Geraldine

Sometimes I'm seriously diggin the summertime freedom, but with the winter chill. Today is one of those days. It's a Saturday in October and it's not cold enough yet for me to happy and I really see no reason to do those fucking Key IDs anyway...pointless torture, I tell you. I crank up the air conditioning and curl up in my chair. I cover myself in mountains of blankets-my aunt's wave colored crochet, brown furry, little kid quilts-and cover my feet those slipper things from the Gyspy Lady at Carlizzles, and sip hot cocco in perfect bliss. You have no idea what it feels like to just BE and let all the crazy things flying around in my head just STOP and float down to where they need to be. It's marshmellow marvelous. All I'm missing is my toasty fire burning in the fireplace...

I started out reliving the fashion disasters of Team Zoe, but eventually Bravo had the audacity to turn on that stupid housewives of Atlanta show so I turned to my books. I never really thought about reading Rachel Cohn's stuff before. Robin Benway raved about her, but I really never made the connection between the conversation and the actual reading of the books. Honestly, I love her collaborations with David Levithan, but I've always had this bias that he was the true genius of the two...yes, I know. Foolish. I read Gingerbread on Friday and Shrimp today and I think I may even read Pop Princess, even though my entire body shudders at the idea of touching something called Pop Princess...we shall see. I think Gingerbread is a little cliche and a lot over the top, but Cyd Charisse is a character that grabs onto your shoulders with both hands and pulls you into her world, whether you like it or not. Besides, what's not to like about someone named Cyd Charisse?

Plus, I finally got my hands on the new Nylon(technically not so new because I just haven't had time to go buy it until now...tsk tsk)! AND GUESS WHO IS GRACING THE COVER OF MY FAVORITE MAG?!?! ZOOEY DESCHANEL, THAT'S WHO! I love her so much. SO MUCH. She's ultra fabulous. :) Nylon has it right: ZOOEY DESCHANEL will charm the pants off you. Just like Michael Cerra belongs at CTY, Zooey Deschanel belongs in my life. Just kidding, but still. She's amazing. I met her shopping took tremendous will power not to start jumping up and down in my annoying excited way. She sews. She sews!

In other news, M.I.A. has a new clothing line, about which she says, "It's not, a fashion such". It's called NEET( Not in Education, Employment, or Training). Plus, it spells out TEEN backwards. I'm completely in love with "Paper Planes", even though everyone is giving me shit about it...Here's something tres cool she said in the Nylon interview: "The artwork came from being everywhere. I got inspiration from the paintings in side rickshaw taxis in India, these crappy bootlegg Madonna stickers in Africa...It's, like, this weird understanding of Western things but they get it all wrong---and it's the getting it wrong part that I like." Downside: Afrika Leggings: $85 How Many Sweatshirt: $150 Lauren's Brain: WHAT THE FUCK?? HOW MUCH ARE WE CHARGING FOR LEGGINGS?? Are you out of your mind? NEET= total fashion lust.

Oh, and while we are on this page, have I mentioned that I want to be the girl from the Supra ads? You know? That girl with the super choppy hair with the scarf, torn leggings, and the tooth bracelet? Yes. That should be me. But I don't think I could pull it off without moving to a whole other place. But on the other hand, sometimes I wish I was named Geraldine, so who knows what's logical in my head...

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