Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Strangest Things

I never thought I'd see the day when I'd skip off gleefully to do community service...come on now...you know me. But I think the day has arrived. I always feel so happy after coming back from the Cantebury and I don't feel like I've wasted any of my time, contrary to my previous experiences with volunteering. I love the little old people! They are adorable.
My current favorite is Dorothy from assisted living. She's very lively and opinionated and sweet. She doesn't seem to care that I have no idea which way the activities are when I'm pushing her through the hallways. Plus, she doesn't treat me like her personal slave...there are a couple of the ladies who are so grouchy.

Another thing that amuses me: the Obama twins! There are these two ladies who ALWAYS wear their Obama buttons on their sweaters. I think it's cool how they're still opinionated about politics and are aware of what's going on right now. Although I disagree with their choice of candidate, I still think it's great that they're still concerned with voting even though they're living in a retirement home---basically in a bubble.

So far, all I'm responsible for is serving tea and cookies, but I really enjoy it. I like it much more than I initially expected and I'm glad. The only thing I didn't really love was going into the assisted living area...they live two to a room and they're sleeping in hospital beds. There's nothing wrong with that, but they remind me of baby birds the way they look up at you confused when you ask them if they'd like to go to the daily activity. Frail, but very cute. They're sitting in their beds with the covers pulled up to their chins...

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