Wednesday, February 18, 2009

My English class is really getting out of hand. Not only do we do practically NOTHING English related, every book we read, my stupid teacher has to pick it apart with his dumb ass liberal agenda! It's getting so old. We never get to simply read a book and enjoy it. One fucking sentence can taint an author's reputation in the impressionable minds of high schoolers! Seriously! Every book we read is not racist! F. Scott Fitzgerald is certainly not racist! He's brilliant and one sentence does not make him a bigot. He spends PAGES in which Tom Buchanan's white supremacist views are cast in an unsympathetic light. Everyone in the story ignores him! They change the subject. And clearly, Tom Buchanan is not Fitzgerald's favorite person...look at the descriptions of him! And honestly, if someones personal beliefs are repugnant, does that change their contributions to society? If Fitzgerald was racist, would that make his work any less beautiful and meaningful? I certainly don't think so. It's not that I'm supporting racism, as my idiotic classmates now think, but I just can't stand the daily helping of liberal crap that is shoved down my throat. It's quite ridiculous. Every poem we read is carefully chosen for a message that serves his purpose. Every book we read, chosen by the school board, is pinched and tinted to fit his meaning. I think it's stupid! He's projecting his opinions onto everything. Instead of simply reading and enjoying The Great Gatsby, he reads it looking for things to pick at! It's intolerable! If this is what higher education is like, count me out! I do not think that people should be subjected daily to being told what to think or being maneuvered into an uneducated opinion because what they are being told is completely one sided! My idiotic teacher believes that just because he says that he respects everyone's opinion and wants us to voice it in class makes it true! He most certainly does not respect my opinion! He lets me say it and then patronizes me and maneuvers me into a corner. If I say one thing, he makes me look like I support racism or that I don't have any facts. I think that's a horrible thing. There is no reason to dislike someone based on their physical appearance or race---that's just stupid. Let me just say this---you've gone too far! I will sit there and here the many praises of Obama. That's just fine, but when you start insulting my favorite author, expect it to get ugly fast. I'm so sick of sitting there and not saying anything. I can't live this way. I don't care that I'm in school and I'm supposed to learn. I know for a fact that my parents dislike the idea of this brainwashing in the guise of a school subject. It's fucking insanity. This is war.

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