Monday, December 29, 2008

I know I can have it.

Well, Christmas has come and gone, my birthday too...
Yeah. Now I'm really the dancing queen. hahaha.
Birthday/Christmas goodies: reccord player, guitar lessons at McCabes, a lovely virtual note from Gaines, a tiger painting, an ice cream maker, and tons of heartfelt cards.
I have been offered a moose, Alex Carpenter, Alex Carpenter riding a moose...ah, good times.
Now here comes New Years, and I have such a conumdrum! I go sixteen years without one invite to a party and now I've got two! YES. But how to choose? Well, I know to which one I'll go, but wondering which is all the fun!
Anyway, love love love from me!
and happy birthday semra. <3

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Birthday Wish?

RACHEL ZOE COAT, Currently owned by Kime Buzzelli, soon to be owned by an ebay person. Please let it be me! :)

Just watch this fancy footwork

Wonderful Happenings in the Life of Lauren:
1. I saw reindeer! Their antlers looked like slender tree branches and their shiny fur could have participated in a shampoo commercial.
2. Gave a gift without expecting anything in return. I got a hug. :)
3. Mamma mia love. Danielle and I are movie soul sisters. I take Mamma Mia love very seriously, doncha know.
4. Watched Jack and Jill vs. The World
5. My favorite big sister in the world is engaged. Hoorah!
6. DISNEYLAND. epic.
7. Parental agreement to dye hair blue. FROM MY DAD. He's going to dye it! A christmas miracle! The catch: temporary only.
8. Attended my first Surprise Party completely by accident. Lora and Ana and Kitty threw me a chakra themed birthday party complete with yarn streamers and a Kitty-made chocolate and walnut cake. yum. We listened to system of a down, panic! at the disco, elton john, and weezer, and talked about Kitty's fireplace, her conversation with JC, and aura reading. I'm not too good. I'll just keep practicing and see what happens. Apparently my aura was blue on Thursday. Pretty nifty. :)
9. Succeeded in not yelling at idiot English teacher. Major feat.
10. Duran Duran = Lauren Lauren?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Seven Snailbrain Days Left!

A week to days from today, it will be my birthday. I think this is a good thing. Maybe. interesting year in the life of Lauren. Some parts were pretty bad, thank you very much you know who! And other parts were plastic fantastic electric swagger heaven. All I know is that I'm not quite ready to move on. It's like I have so many more things I want to do! Seventeen is not death, but it's OLD. OLD! Not really, but yeah, really. Get my drift? It's kind of confusing my brain. I like the idea of aging, gaining additional respect until you're a granny at the ripe old age of eighty-somethin'. When you're old, no one really cares about what you do. YOU'RE OLD! Well, that's far off from now, but I just can't help but contemplate it. I tell you, I am not in favor of banned books, but people should seriously NOT read The Picture of Dorian Gray. NO. Don't do it. You become slightly vain and CONCERNED about growing old. More of the latter. On the bright side, Winter Break starts Friday. That's pretty ahhhh-some. On a side note, is it crazy to be pining for a Charlie Brown tree of my very own? I want it, I want it! That and Mamma Mia on DVD. Gimme Gimme Gimme some musical movie magic after midnight! Seven days, let's make them count!
What amazing cool thing happened today?
It rained buckets. I went caroling and delivered flowers to old folks. That's pretty fine and dandy.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Twinkle Twinkle Lil Bat, are you under my Christmas tree?

Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!
How I wonder what you're at!
Up above the world you fly,
Like a teatray in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle little bat!
How I wonder what you're at!